Friday, October 9, 2015

Start of a New Chapter

Many moons ago, I used to write for another blog where I pretty much told my life's story with a touch of humor. However, by 2011 I had moved away from my home country and pretty much ran out of stories to tell. So in an attempt to keep the steady flow, I found myself burned out and took a long hiatus. However, when I finally had stories to tell, I couldn't get myself motivated to write. Let's just say grad school kept me away from both reading and writing for entertainment purposes. I've tried to start blogs up again, but have met with failure.
And so, here I am again. Back to where I first began writing my life's story, but this time with a new chapter. My old stories concluded chronologically with my college graduation and basically leaving everything behind in hopes to start fresh. So after a few years, that blank paper has some marks on it and from it, new stories. In addition, I will not be restricting myself to being pure humor this time. I feel this may have restricted my previous blog. Don't get me wrong, this will still be mostly humor, but by getting it out of a particular type of genre, perhaps I'll be able to give some stories a bit more development.
And lastly, I might be retreading through some old stories to just update them to my current perspectives. The person I was during the old blog is not the same as the person I am today, and I'm hoping this blog can reflect that.

So that being said, let's get this show on the road. I'm not sure how frequently I'll be posting since I'm still getting back into the groove of things, but I hope to pick up a steady rhythm after doing this for a while.

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