Friday, October 9, 2015

A New Leaf

So where to begin? Well, I guess as any place as any would be in Pittsburgh, my new home of sorts. Well, it's been home since 2012. I had left my home country behind in hopes of getting a better life and spreading my wings. I remember when I first knew I would be moving away. The prospect of a new life seemed intriguing and in a way, I was prepared for the upcoming changes.
Then again, I wasn't ready for what was going to hit next. 2011 ended up being one of the best years ever. The final year of college, becoming more in tune to who I was as an individual, a period of great creative growth, and a surprise love all ended up taking place in that span of 12 months. So when it was time to pack my bags and go, I will admit that it was a bit rough. After a lifetime of creating strong bonds and accidentally finding (by then) the love of your life, I was more than a bit hesitant to go. In a way, I sort of channeled David Tennant's last words as the Doctor to sort of describe how I felt as the days kept approaching.

Fast forward to the fall of 2015 and the story is completely different. My change of scenery has been good to me (not 100% but I'll take it) and allowed me to grow as a person. In addition, I've been able to have new experiences that have molded the man I am today. And it shows, because every time I go back to my home country to see my friends I get a glimpse of the life left behind and how most of it has either fallen to bits or turned into the aftermath of a puzzle after a temper tantrum.
But I feel that all those stories are yet to come. When I finished writing the first chapter of my story, I was approaching 25. Little did I know that that year would be the tipping point of change for me. And so, here I am again. Chronicling the life of some guy in his late 20's who somehow still has the urge to keep writing his life story in an attempt to never lose the passion he once had for writing.
But first, I might revisit some older stories and tell some that I've missed along the way.

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